Wednesday 5 June 2013

continuity video Task1 brief 2

180 degree rule- 

In medial the 180 degree rule is a guideline regarding the on screen spatial relationship which is between a character and another character or and objective with in the scene.  The picture below is showing the 180 degree rule.

Match on action- 

Match on action is known as cutting on action this is an editing technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot.  Match on action creates the impression of a sense of continuity the action carrying through will create a visual bridge which draws viewers attention away from the cutting or continuity issues.

eye line match-

Eye line match is a film editing technique which is associated with continuity editing. Eye line match is based on the premise that the audience will want to see what that character on screen is seeing. Eye line match starts with a character looking at something which is off screen, then it will be followed by a cut to the object or person at what they are looking at.

Shooting schedule-

Cast +Crew
12 Jan 2013

13 Jan 2013
School study   room stairs

School study   room
Robert clack

Robert clack
Camera tripod

Camera tripod
Casual Clothes 

Casual clothes

Lauren Daniel Jack and Jordan

 Lauren Daniel Jack and Jordan

Story bored -



Continuity exercise

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