Wednesday, 17 October 2012

sound task


Diegetic/Non Diegetic sound

Diegetic refers to the world of the text. For Example;

  1. Dialogue 
  2. Wind 
  3. Dog barking 
  4. Nature 
  5. Music have a source with in the sound of the text e,g, MP3, Radio 
Non diegetic-

Non diegetic is everything that out side the diegetic film there are many different examples;

  1. Music sound tracks 
  2. narrative 
  3. text (captions)
  4. titles 
  5. subtitles 

On screen and off screen diegetic sounds- 
on screen sounds is when the audience can see the source of the sound. But however off screen sound is different that is when you can hear the source of the sound but you can't see the source. 

Parallell and contra punctual- 

Parallel sounds match the actions of what the person in the film is doing where as contra punctual is when the sound doesn't match the action that the person is doing. 

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